Tuesday, February 1, 2011

In-class discussion questions for Thursday 3 February

As you read through the first section of Sara Nomberg-Przytyk's Auschwitz: True Tales from a Grotesque Land, here are some discussion questions to guide you through page 78.

1. Nomberg-Przytyk's narrative voice is considerably different from that of Primo Levi. How does she engage you as the audience? What motives or purposes can you deduce from her tone and approach to representation?

2. On page 39, Nomberg-Przytyk claims, "unless you sloughed off that skin you could not survive in Auschwitz." To what is she referring? Why do you suppose she refers to skin, the largest organ of the body?

3. What is the order of the camp, according to Nomberg-Przytyk? What rules are followed, and what habits do the inmates have?

4. In "Old Words--New Meanings," Nomberg-Przytyk offers insight into how language changed once the inmate entered l'univers concentrationnaire. How does she explain the changing landscape of language?

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