Thursday, February 10, 2011

Auschwitz: True Tales from a Grotesque Land Reading Response Prompt

All reading responses are due Tuesday 15 February in class or by 5 PM in Avery 475. Choose one of the following questions to answer in an essay of 2-3 pages:

1. What is the role of maternal relationships in the text? What do maternal relationships reveal about the nature of life in Auschwitz? What are the metaphorical implications of the maternal in Auschwitz: True Tales from a Grotesque Land?

2. What is the role of language in Auschwitz? How does Nomberg-Przytyk approach the ambiguity of language noted by Holocaust scholars and other writer-survivors?

3. What is the structure of camp hierarchy as represented in the text? How does Nomberg-Przytyk approach camp hierarchy in relation to her experiences?

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