Thursday, January 13, 2011

Links from today's class

Just a few links and visuals here to help fill in information provided in class today. If you would like to view the discussion questions we will cover during Tuesday's class covering Primo Levi's Survival in Auschwitz, see the post below.

First off, if you missed any portion of the documentary, Nuit et brouillard (Night and Fog), you should plan on viewing it its entirety before Tuesday's class, where we will discuss the juxtaposition of beautiful landscape and violent terror. Begin thinking about how Alain Resnais (the director of Night and Fog) narrated the film, and what meaning(s) you can parse from the film. Keep in mind that it is one of the first documentary explorations of the atrocities committed, and it was explosively challenged at its release. Here is a link to the full video version through Google:

I also mentioned briefly the burden that preconceptions of crucifixion posed for Jews, and we looked to Marc Chagall to help demonstrate that anxiety. Here are the artistic renderings that I showed, along with one extra that will help you visualize:

For those of you who might be interested in the following topics, either for personal research or for the final research essay:

The role of journalism during the Holocaust:

Propaganda posters from Nazi Germany:

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