Tuesday, January 18, 2011

In-class discussion questions for Thursday 20 January

For Thursday's class, be sure to have read through the 11th section (through "The Canto of Ulysses") in Primo Levi's Survival in Auschwitz. To guide your reading, keep these questions in mind:

1. How does Levi attempt to demonstrate humanity in its totality? What appeals to the good and evil of humanity does he make? Come prepared to discuss specific examples.

2. What direct appeals does Levi make to the reader, and what effect do they have on your experience of the narrative?

3. What does the dream of Tantalus mean?

4. Referring to chapter 7, how has Auschwitz changed the prisoners' values?

5. With careful attention to chapter 8, what is the economic system of the camp?

6. What events do you find particularly striking? Come prepared to discuss at least one passage or event you found striking.

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